Thursday, April 30, 2009


In the hopes of one day having enough money to do something fun with my toy; like rims and tires, or new gauges and a radio that works, I opted to utilize a re-built transmission that isn't quite new, but isn't used and unknown...The used transmission would have been cheaper; however, I didn't want to be back in the shop with the same problem right after fixing it...

The image to the left is the old transmission...You can't see the inside, but when you twist that nice end piece, you can hear all of the parts just kind of rumbling around like chewed bubble gum that is made out of metal...It isn't very pleasant...

3-5 hours of labor for a transmission plus 3-5 hours for a clutch....OOOOORRRR....3-5 hours for both at the same time...I am gonna go ahead and get the clutch done at the same time, to save me the hassle of a future repair at this point...So far, the bill is around ??????

Don't worry, there is more...

While my newly found mechanic friend was examining this Dinosaur...He realized that the driver side motor mount is broken, the front lower shock bushings were gone (mentioned that in an early post I believe) and that some rubber piece connecting the shifter to the transmission was worn out, giving me that vintage shaky vibrating shifter feeling...

So with all of those things, the mechanic is going to fix the transmission, replace the transmission mount, two new shock bushings, weld the shifter piece to eliminate vibration, put in a new clutch, and replace the broken motor mount all for $1,400...Pretty good deal from what I hear transmissions cost...Just the AX-5 transmission by itself is $1500...Now I know I am not getting a brand new one, but all that work with parts and labor only coming to $1400 I am not going to complain...

I will just be happy to be driving it again...Of course there was an awesome list of other things still to complete in order to get this beast running perfect, but this is a good start on the major things...The other small stuff I can get done on my own...

AHHHH projects...Aren't they FUN?!!!

Like my good friend Mike says: J.E.E.P. means Just Empty Every Pocket!

1 comment:

  1. Very Cute honey....You are lucky I love you so much... :)
