Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This is the first coat of a spray on truck bed liner. I checked a few of the Jeep Forums to get some idea of how well this stuff works....Lets be honest..It is not a Rhino Lining or a Line-X product...But it also didn't cost me $500 to $800 dollars...Which is how much Line-X and Rhino wanted to spray the tub and that was with me prepping it all.


Primed and ready...I removed the shifter cover assembly so I could sand down and get everything. I even went so far as to remove all of the seat belt components as well as all of the latches to the doors. This is a lot of work...The directions say that primer is not required...But I don't think it ever hurts to use it...I want to make sure this liner sticks...


The carpet is out! That was pretty easy...Although, I did not realize how difficult the carpet glue would be underneath....Heavy grit sandpaper, elbow grease, palm sander...No luck!
I will continue to come up with new and innovative ways to spend all of my time...Notice the nice passenger side seat belt base? Oh yeah...Rusted in baby...that thing doesn't want to leave...I am going to have to drill it out most likely...But not before I get a little further along..

The 70's are gone..No one likes carpet anymore!

Recently, I decided I would upgrade my Jeep by removing all of the seats and stripping the carpet. My intention you ask? To sand down the floors and put in a durable spray on truck bed liner. I figured since this beast will spend more time off road getting dirty, than in my garage...I should minimize my cleaning time by simply putting in a liner and being able to spray it out...